We cannot rest content with mediocrity, when EXCELLENCE is within our reach. Thomas S. Monson
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Worst Part is...I don't even have a good story!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
For Grandma Cindy
After dinner we went home and had birthday cake. Well not so much cake as ice cream cupcakes from Cold Stone. They were amazing!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Presents from Daddy
Friday, May 22, 2009
How Redneck Are We?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Yes Still more Pictures!
And then we all left and headed for our various places of residence. Mom, dad, Cody and Ryan left Sunday afternoon to get back to Georgia. Jesse and Kelly caught a plane out at O'Dark Thirty on Monday morning and then Gideon and I caught a plane out of Indy later that afternoon. Cami drove back to Florida, dropping Skye in Georgia on the way, and Shiloh headed for the Carolinas.
I don't mind admitting that I'm exhausted. We got back home in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Yesterday was spent unpacking and grocery shopping since our fridge was bare of even the essentials. Then I had church so munchkin went to Nana's house. They had just arrived home Monday night from California, so they were pretty tired too. Still I think they were happy to see him since it had been a couple of weeks. I meant to go to bed early last night, but I was up late after he was in bed putting together slide shows and organizing my pictures from the trip. And today has been our recovery day. I did get up and put on something other than pj's. But no make-up and I haven't showered yet. I'd like to say I've been busy cleaning my house, doing laundry and going through the stacks of mail. But I can't even do that. Most of the day I've been playing with pictures and blog posts again, and watching movies. I'm just too exhausted to do much of anything else. Plus thanks to the altitude and dry air I've had nose bleeds and a headache pretty much since we got back. Oh well, maybe tomorrow will be better.
Retrospectively I think the trip went great. I was really sad to have to come home. So much so that I'm already trying to plan another trip somewhere just to give me something to look forward to. Because being stuck here with no way out coming up just makes me want to cry. I know I shouldn't feel that way about my "home" but I do. (Most people are relieved to get home from a vacation, I was just bummed.) Cami and I actually talked about this while we were driving last week. Idaho has never felt like home to me in the way that Indiana does. There are several reasons for that, but this is neither the time nor place to go into them. I'll save my rant about how much I dislike Idaho for another day.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the photos from a fantastic vacation.