Monday, February 11, 2008


As you might guess, there is a story behind these photos. In 1979 my parents took their then two children to Houston, to visit a family that my mom had been close to growing up in Indiana. (Actually it's the family that introduced her to the church.) Anyway Leisha, (AKA "Baby Whit") posted these pictures from that trip and they were way too funny not to copy and post. So enjoy. Thanks so much Leisha!

Mom holding me & Daddy holding the stroller with Shiloh. If my parents look young it's because they were. Mom was 22 & Daddy would have been 24.

Me drinking from Leisha's crazy straw. (Thanks for sharing.) I only recently found out that she wanted to adopt me during that trip. (How prophetic that impuluse turned out to be.)

This is by far my favorite! Mom with Shiloh who can'tbe more than five or six months old here. But it's mom's glasses that I totally dig. Those are sexy!


Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

I loved my glasses!! And Wow.... Your dad really was a "hunka-hunka burnin' Love"! :-)

Cali and Travis said...


Jessica said...

Those pics are hillarious! You still have good lookin' parents!

Corey said...

The first picture it looks like you are crying and Shiloh is sleeping.. I'm not going to say anything about that.. Just not.. ;)

Guffey Family said...

Yes, Corey, we all know what you're thinking. Behaviors we exhibit as children show our personalities and never really change, at least in this case.

Guffey Family said...

And I have to say whoa! Other than the powder blue tuxedo with the ruffle shirt from his wedding pictures, not much has made me giggle like the sight of my dad in polyester, pastel plaid pants (say that five times fast)

Carlotta said...

LOVE that last picture too, BTW my little girls name is Calli =)

Angela S said...

Hey I don't have your email...mine should reply automatically from this comment in your gmail or its on my profile. Anyway I had a few questions for you about the mortgages you put together. Drop me an email when you get a minute. Thanks!

Leisha Mareth said...

Such a cute family! Hey, I'm still willing to adopt you...I've got a krazy straw waiting with your name on it! LOL!