Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Guess who likes chocolate?

While I was getting ready this morning, Aunt Hillary let Gideon have a little taste of her chocolate. Looks like he liked it. I'd be upset, but last night I caught Travis dipping his pacifier in the lemon meriengue pie. My poor child!

My Mother's Day Flowers. Aren't they lovely?


Brad Phillips said...

Lemon Meringue Pie does not equal Chocolate for two reasons:

1. Lemon Meringue Pie rarely causes anaphalactic shock.

2. See 1

Nevertheless, I wouldn't stress too much on that point. Clearly he's fine, but the babysitter should be more careful next time.

I've had three kids before Gavin, but I would be seriously upset with anybody besides me or Lisa giving him anything because it would be "cute".

I almost gave one of my "new" nieces (she's 7) a snicker's bar...turns out she's allergic to peanuts.

Leisha Mareth said...

Your flowers are so beautiful! Very "spring-y"!

Lemon Meringue Pie....MMMMMMMMM!

Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

It's never too early to learn to appreciate the finer things in life. Lemon Meringue Pie, Chocolate,.....OREO's :-)

Wait 'til grandma gets home;-)

Jessica said...

I love the cheery flowers. And just beware that it's only going to get worse with people giving Gideon things. I think my family does it to see my reaction. And for some reason people think it's funny to give babies lemons and things like that. (They didn't do that while Davy was a tiny baby!) I've found that putting people in head-locks seems to help! :)

Mostly Jessica said...

Oh man, I've been worried about this sort of thing even now before we have a baby...Ron has always been one of those people who thinks it's funny to give babies lemons for a reaction. His sisters are already plotting against our poor baby for revenge :(