Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Favorite Exercise

So it's no secret that I've kind of been in a funk for the last couple of weeks. Between work stress, money stress, having a brand new baby, self-esteem hits and less exercise than I'm used to, the world really has felt like a huge weight on my shoulders. I realized after yesterday's whiney post that I've let this go on far longer than I normally do. I know myself pretty well and most people who I'm close to will tell you that I'm actually usually pretty good at shifting my attitude. But this time it's taken me a little longer to realize what what was really going on with me. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's everything hitting at once, I don't know. But for that reason I feel I've been functioning in "victim" mode for far too long.

So we're going to change that. Step One: Count your blessings.

See I learned on my mission that it's impossible to be unhappy when you're counting your blessings. (Something that my family, friends, and many ward members have heard me say over the years.) So in order to break this "funk" that I'm in, I'm going to start counting my blessings. These will be in no particular order, and I'm sorry if this bores you, but it's something that I feel I need to do

The temple I can practically see from my front yard. (And the blessings of the temple of course.)

Cary Grant movies.

The beautyof the earth

Carolina Basketball (when it's that season of course.)

A husband who loves me even though I'm a complete neurotic mess half the time.

The sweetest, cutest, most wonderful baby boy on the planet

A silly Cat

A warm and comfortable home

A completely nutty family. (At least the crazy makes us fun to be around.)
Other items on the list include:

Good Friends
Food to Eat (even though I hate being the one who has to cook it.)
Cars that run
In-laws that live close by

These are just a few blessings, but I'm running out of time and need to finish this.

Step two: Sweat until I'm too tired to worry anymore. (Hello Spinning Class! I'm totally going tomorrow.)

Step three: A good cry (Looks like I'll be watching Roman Holiday or Casablanca tonight.)

Step four: A bubble bath and a good book. And when I'm done, I watch all of the cares, worries, stress and "funk" wash down the drain, so I can get back to focusing on real life.

Okay maybe I am a neurotic mess, but I do know that this is what works for me.

Now, I have to get started on dinner, so I hope you all have a great evening.


Guffey Family said...

Your mood swings have left me a little puzzled. I didn't know adoptive mom's could get the "baby blues". Just kidding! I love you sis!

Cali and Travis said...

how have my mood swings left you of all people puzzled? You know I'm crazy. You know it better than anyone.

Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

See, any mom can get the "baby blues". Cali, this should validate the fact that you are "normal". Whatever "normal" is. And yes, it is possible to be neurotically normal. (for you)
Love you.

William said...

I must say your strategies for overcoming the blues are impressive. I spend a lot of time preaching self-care to clients, it is such a simple thing but it’s often the first to go when we are under a lot of stress. Well done for taking time to take care of your self. My personal method involves going walk about. Regretfully this is a strategy that tends to worry everyone around me, so it’s not one that I would professionally recommend. :) Anyways I hope you get to feeling your cheerful self soon.

‘S Rioghal Mo Dhream
William E Herrington

Cathy Shields said...

Good girl!!!! Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and all.
I love to do most of these also and I just want to mention in a book titled "Stangling your Husband is Not an Option" (yes, you know I read this one) it says that we should make a list we add to everyday of why we love our husbands. Worked very well for me. You find alot of little things. I have learned to love him more and appreciate the little things. I was getting dressed one morning and looked on my dresser to see beads that I took off and left somewhere around the house. He had picked up after me and put the beads on my necklace holder. I smiled and said aloud "I love you" and he was coming in the bedroom and heard me. It was a real sweet moment and all because I had started noticing the little things.

leschornmom said...

Cali, You're Wonderful!

Cathy Shields said...

I know you are going to wonder just how old I am when I ask this but just what is spinning class. I picture adults on giant sit and spins or something.

Leisha Mareth said...

What your Mom said is true, when there is a major change and upheaval in your life (no matter how positive and wonderful it is) it always takes some re-adjusting and a little period of "blues" until you work through it. Perfectly normal. And if you are neurotic, well, I need some SERIOUS help, LOL!

P.S. I'm so jealous you are so close to the Idaho Falls Temple...I think of my parents every time I see it!