Friday, April 18, 2008

I just figured out...

..who I am on the scale of parents. I'm that annoyingly overzealous parent who thinks that her child is the cutest, brightest, most wonderful thing on the planet. And for that reason I constantly bombard friends, family, co-workers, Jesse's co-workers, my father-in-law's co-worker's, strangers at the store, strangers at the dentists office, the girls who work at the pediatrician's office and whoever else might express an interest, however slight it may be, with photos and antecdotes about my perfect son. For proof, just check this very blog. Each day insignificant events in our journey of parenthood get cataloged on this blog, less for anyone who might read it and more for me because I'm so enamored by this boy and even more shocked that I'm actually his mother.

I'd apologize for the inconvenience to all of you, but A. I'm not sorry at all, and B. If you don't like it, then I guess don't read my blog.

Without further ado, here's today:

I know my mother-in-law says it's just gas, but I don't care what makes him smile, as long as he keeps doing it.

He loves to stretch! Also, we got the blanket today. It was a gift made by B.'s mother. She also gave us a copy of the Michael McLean book with CD that I know many of you already have, and a really darling little outfit for Gideon. (I'm having him wear it tomorrow, so I'll be sure and post pictures because that's what I do.)

We went out to eat for the first time with Gideon today. I had a Cajun burger. He had formula. Then we went on our first shopping trip. How appropriate that it was to Toys R Us.

And this is fairly typical as you already know. I liked tonight's pictures though, because Gideon and Crookshanks just looked at each other for a long time. It was actually quite cute.

Oh I almost forgot! Aunt Hillary spent this night with us last night so she was here this morning for a while. Her fiance, Jake, was also here. We love him and we can't wait for them to be married so he will officially be, "Uncle Jake."

After all of this fun, we came home and watched Moonlight (new episodes finally start next week. YES!) while the cat entertained the baby and I worked on writing thank you notes.


Joel & Lila said...

I don't know if I have told you this before or not, but I am so grateful that you are posting regularly about being a new mom. Reading your posts daily really help me find joy in the hardships we are facing right now, because I use your lifestyle as an example of the happiness and sense of wholeness that I will someday get to experience. Thank you, thank you! (by the way, he is very very very adorable)

Jessica said...

I love all the pictures! It's amazing how fast babies change. I had over 200 pics of Davy by the time he was maybe 6 months old! Take all the pics you want!

dust and kam said...

I am so happy you are posting pictures everyday!!! I look forward to seeing cute little Gideon and your cute family!! You both are amazing parents!!!

Cali and Travis said...

Thanks Lila, I'm glad my daily ramblings are useful to someone. Somedays I have to wonder if we're really cut out to be parents. We waited so long (and it seems longer because we were "older" when we got married) that being a couple was just the norm for us. I swear some days it's still surreal to think of myself as mom. That's why I post so much I think, because I'm still learning and getting used to the idea that we're actually finally parents. I'm going to link you up to my blog if that's okay along with my other adoption friends.

Jess, I'm glad you're enjoying the photos, but I have a confession to make, I've already taken over 200 photos of Gideon and he's only a month old. Further, we've not even had him three weeks yet. I just can't stop taking pictures. I blame it on te fact that he's so adorable, and digital photography makes it way to easy to over indulge. But yeah, I've already filled one photo album completely and have started on the second.

Kamie, your comments make my day everyday. I'm glad that you enjoy seeing us stumble through this journey. I pray for you guys (and many of my other friends hoping to adopt.) I seriously can't wait until the day that I check your blog and see that you've been blessed with an angel of your own. I'm glad somehow we found each other. Could you do me a favor and email me sometime? I have a few things I'd like to talk to you about but don't want to take the space or time to post in a comment. calic920 that's my hotmail address. Thanks babe!

Leisha Mareth said...

Gideon IS the best and the brightest Gideon that ever was! We all feel that way about our little ones and serously, would you want to be parented by anyone who didn't feel exactly the same way?

Personally, I enjoy your pure love and excitement for parenthood, it is like getting some youth serum for the tired and weary ones just a little bit further up the path of parenthood from you!